People make me Angry


The topic for this video is how we can overcome the wrong belief we have that people make us angry. We blame people when we get angry, we are always playing the blame game with family members, friends etc. Yes!!! people can be very challenging at times, but it is not they who can make us angry.If we are living with this belief system that means we are giving the control to them, they control us, they can push the switches and change our mood.

We should not allow this to happen to ourselves. But it happens so suddenly. When a certain person appears in front of you, starts talking to you, you automatically start getting irritated from within. You start getting angry about their secretive nature, about their nature of gossiping about you behind your back or certain habits that they may have that irritate the hell out of you.

So how do you overcome this. Basically when we live like this.. when we get irritated with people and we think that it is because of them that we go through this phase of anger or temper. What it means is that we are victims of our mind, victims of certain unconscious patterns that live in our mind.

The only solution is to bring consciousness in your daily living. To create an environment for you mind where it is aware of consciousness. I call it finding yourself. It is a practice where you make your mind aware of your true-self.

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When you start practicing self awareness, you get in touch with your true self, and your mind does not derive your sense of identity from patterns that reside within you.

Say for example you take a person who is very secretive, who doesn’t let you know about things but does things behind your back, and you have a pattern of getting irritated with such a person. You must understand that this person is also a victim of some unconscious patters that his mind / her mind is attached to. Even she / he is not free from this. They are acting out of their own unconsciousness. And they think that what they are doing is right. They think that they need to get back at you or whatever. They think what they are doing is totally right and they ought to do that to you..

Here you get totally irritated with their actions as you believe that it is wrong and you do not deserve this. So this conflict of perspective where it is an identity clash so much to say, your mind is totally attached to these unconscious patterns, because you are not even in control when you are getting angry. You just want to run out of that place of you want to fight back.

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So by bringing this dimension in your life of self awareness, of practicing self awareness on a daily basis by getting your mind aware of your true self. It will create some space between your perspective and the real you. Right now there is not space between your perspective and you. So you are living from all these attached patterns from within, your beliefs, your belief about that person, that person is a very irritating person. So when that person appears in front of you, you automatically start getting irritated from within. But when this space comes in between you and your belief, you give yourself a choice to free yourself from this compulsive behaviour. You allow your mind to realize how different you are from your perspective.. and not derive your sense of self from the perspective that you have.

So if you start living life from this dimension of being aware of your true self, time and again in the day if you are aware of your self for a minute every hour, and you keep doing this till it is a deep seeded habit. Yes there will be times when your mind snaps back to one of your unconscious patterns but even then your prime focus should be to practice finding yourself, should be to practice self awareness.. so that your mind is engaged in the awareness of your true self.

As time passes by, as you keep practicing this, you will see that certain people who used to irritate you a lot, now they are not that irritating. Yes there will be some things still in them which you are still attached to, some behavioural patterns that you are still attached to, which you need to free yourself from but everything takes time and it all starts by taking the initiative to practice self awareness.

You will free yourself from all these compulsive behavioural patterns and you will lead a calm and peaceful life.

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Image by : Andrei!

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