Life is Beautiful, Lets make it our belief.


In this video we will talk about “Life being beautiful”. We have read it so many times that life is beautiful. In poems, we have heard songs about life being beautiful, we have t-shirts with this printed message of life being beautiful.

But when we just look at our personal life, do we live with this belief that life is beautiful? Is there enough beauty in our daily life for us to confirm to ourselves that life is beautiful? or is it the routine that we are consumed with and we do not have the time to be aware of the beauty that surrounds us. We do not have time to be aware of the beauty that exists in this world.

And than if we do not confirm to ourselves that life is beautiful, we do not live from the dimension of this belief. We are not aware of the beauty that surrounds us. On a daily basis we are not aware of this beauty, that life brings to us, that life is continuously creating for us.

Everyday we have a beautiful sunrise, a beautiful sunset. But we do not have the time or the bandwidth to acknowledge it, to be there present to experience it, because we have so many other things to do. So what if we want to make this message, this statement “life is beautiful” a part of our daily life. We want to live from this dimension that “life is beautiful”.

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What are the steps we can take to make it a reality..
Small steps.. we can take small steps to make this a reality, to make our day to day life beautiful, because beauty has got more to do with sight. You know, we need to be looking at stuff that seems appealing and beautiful to us.

Look at nature which is full of beauty, look at the sunset, look at flowers, if we go to the park just look around at all the beauty in the park. Look at beautiful people, all people are beautiful… they have striking features in them which are beautiful, but we need to be present there. We need to be there to experience it. When I say be there I mean we need to be aware at that moment when the beauty arises. When there is beauty to acknowledge we need to be there and not lost in thought.

To make our life beautiful on a daily basis we need to practice awareness, and consciously take steps and choose to acknowledge the beauty in people, to acknowledge the beauty in flowers and nature.

So what are the steps we can take :

First step is when we wake up, if we wake up early enough, we could be present for the sunrise. When its happening just acknowledge it, just be there being aware of your presence acknowledging / viewing this sunrise. Thats the most important part of being aware of yourself looking at the sunrise. Just looking at it with awareness not thinking too much about it, as there is not much you can do about it, only be aware of it.

If you miss the sunrise, you can catch the sunset. If you live somewhere where there are a lot of buildings, you can go up to the terrace and just look at the sunset, just be there, just enjoy it. That will be the step you will take to confirming to yourself that “life is beautiful”.

Other steps you can take is to look at children when they are playing, which this awareness that you are looking at them. Acknowledge your presence when beauty arises. Because it is this presence that is looking at beauty, that understands beauty, right? So this is of utmost importance that we are present in our daily living, in our day to day life, we are conscious and we choose to look at the beauty aspects of things.

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Confucius had pointed to this saying ” Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it”

Everyday the sunrise and the sunset has a lot of beauty in store for us to appreciate, to experience. But we do not see it, we do not have time to see it. We are so bogged down with our duties and activities that we do not have time to confirm to our mind, to ourselves that life is beautiful.

Another pointer by Clara Schumann “Why hurry over beautiful things? Why not linger and enjoy them?”

It is very beautifully put, and this statement can ring bells in our mind. Even when a small kid is smiling, there is so much beauty, there is so much of innocence to experience at that moment, and we can use that as a pointer to be aware of ourselves. To be aware that it is “I” who an looking at that, be aware of your perceiving presence in your day to day life.

Ann frank puts it nicely “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”

So we need to make this conscious effort to create this habit, and live this belief that life is beautiful, because it is beautiful. There is a lot of beauty in the world, but we do not make it a part of our day to day life. We only think our holiday was beautiful.. when we go to a holiday destination or we take time and go to a park we only think that life is beautiful than.

You can make life beautiful even when you are at work, by thinking of a memory that makes you happy, which was very beautiful or you can use technology if you work in front of a computer. You could go to a search engine and look at something beautiful. Be aware of yourself looking at it. Let your mind be engaged in awareness of beauty, awareness of yourself.

This will be a new belief system that you will be working on, “Life is beautiful”, “my day to day life.. there is a lot of beauty in it” there are lot of beautiful things I look at everyday.

You can go to a search engine (images tab) and type in flowers and look at the various colors that flowers have. They  are so full and complete. There are no words to express their beauty. Nowadays the photographers click amazing images, beautiful photographs. So just use this technology to bring in beauty into your life, to look at beautiful things.

You can look at smiling people online. Lots of people smiling, so cheerful, and you can be a part of this cheer, this beauty everyday by viewing nice pictures, pleasant pictures, pleasant looking people smiling, its a joy, its a real joy.

You can view sea shells, lots of colors and variety. Things you cannot express in words but once you look at it it makes you happy, and this is a nice moment where you can be aware of yourself looking at these things.

“Life is beautiful” you are working on this belief system. If you miss the sunrise in the morning you could just type in sunrise in your search engine and you will have so many beautiful pictures of the sunrise. Just visualize yourself looking at this, just visualize yourself being there when the sunrise was happening. And be aware of your perceiving presence when you are looking at the sunrise.

It is very peaceful and you get this calm feeling within you. You feel like you are in control looking at this image just happening before you.

So lets take beauty breaks everyday, lets concrete this belief within us that “Life is beautiful”, and work everyday on looking at something beautiful, making it a part of our life.

It will bring cheer into our lives and spill the right chemicals within your system to make you feel good.

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Image by : Lotus Carroll

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