In todays video I would like to talk about whether our pursuit for happiness in a happy one.Are we happily pursuing happiness. All of us want to be happy everyday, we are constantly in search for happiness.
We want to get happiness by looking good, we feel happy when we are rich, when we have a healthy body, when we are famous, by being a leader, by having the top job in the company. So all of these things they somehow give us happiness, whether it is direct or indirect, even though it is short lived.
But what is important here is the kind of energy we are trying to pursue happiness with. Are we living in joy, happiness, enthusiastic about achieving our goal which will give us happiness, are we happy with family while pursuing our goals or do we neglect family, neglect happiness to get there.
If we are over weight, we want to lose weight and we want to have that terrific body that we look at in magazines. So we take a gym membership to bulk up and build those big muscles. So when we get to the gym are we there to find the experience fulfilling or are we stressing ourselves out and causing damage to ourselves to get somewhere, where we think happiness is, to get to a goal to lose that weight and then be happy.
So it is of utmost importance that we pay attention to our day to day living, and make happiness a part of our experience. So while at the gym you may feel awkward that you are lifting light weights or whatever, but if you have to start from that stage, then you have to start from that stage. Causing stress or physical pain to yourself to get to some place… is it really worth it, if you are going to injure yourself?
Even at our job, we have a very good job and we get happiness because we make very good money out of it. But what is our energy when we are at the job. When we are at our workplace are we in joy, are we communicating with our colleagues with openness. Are we doing our work with awareness of our self, at ease, not stressing ourselves out, not getting burned out by the end of the day.
Even if we are making a lot of money, we will not be able to enjoy that income if we are not keeping well because of the stress, If we are irritated throughout the day, if the stress of our job hampers our relations with family, if we are angry all the time, if we start to lose friends because we cannot keep in touch anymore.
Yes we need a job but all we have to learn is how to deal with our pursuit for happiness on a day to day basis. How do we integrate happiness in our daily living. The obvious answer is to live consciously. To consciously keep checking if I am stressing myself out. What is the energy level within.Self-Awareness helps you to do that. To be conscious in your day to day living by being aware of your true self.
Another goal that we like to achieve is to be famous among people. Sometimes to be famous we crack jokes on others so that we are the cool ones around. So is this exercise helping me in the long run or I want to be famous for the help I can give to people, for the advice I can give them, for the empathy I can offer them.
So this is something we need to really look at. We all want to live in happiness, everybody wants to live in joy, happiness in peace but the daily journey is of utmost importance to focus upon. It is the daily journey that makes up our future. If we are not happy now, we cannot guarantee happiness in the future. Because if we fall ill by taking too much of stress, by continuously getting angry, if you lose all your friends, if family starts disliking you, what kind of happy future will you have. If all the money you earn goes into your medication in the future.. was it really worth it.
So lets step back and analyze what we are doing on a daily basis and try to take every step in live in joy and happiness, with openness, by being self aware, by bringing in consciousness in our daily living, by making it a point to be peaceful to be in joy everyday. Whether its at the work place, whether you are with friends or with family, whether you are shopping, whether you are on a drive.
Just a little self awareness, bring in that consciousness, get in touch with your true self. And then live life the way you want to. If you take care in the now, the present… your future will take care of itself.
Image by : Capture Queen